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Review: The Big Sick

'The Big Sick' is undoubtedly one of the best romantic comedies. Kumail Nanjiani proved his ability to not only lead a movie but to make it one of the best films of the year!

I discovered Kumail Nanjiani as the fan favorite character, Dinesh, on HBO's 'Silicon Valley.' I loved his character right from the start and was very excited to see him in this film. Telling his own true story, he created plenty of hilarious moments along with a truly compelling and dramatic story.

The growing romance between Nanjiani and Zoe Kazan was a wonderful story to witness. In a very short time, they captured the hearts of the audience with such a happy relationship. Kazan's performance was very believable and real as she fell for Kumail.

My favorite character in the film was that of Ray Romano. Playing Emily's father, Terry, he was one of the funniest parts of the movie. His often awkward dialogue was pulled off flawlessly. His character was initially just a wonderful addition to the comedy but we very quickly saw much more in him. He had a lot of heart and love. Romano portrayed him perfectly for the movie.

'The Big Sick' is a movie that I could not recommend enough. I truly hope we get to see the film get its deserved attention this year at the Oscars.

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