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Review: Green Book

We are ALMOST to Oscars time! So here is yet another review of this years Best Picture nominees.

Green Book follows an Italian-American that is hired as the driver of an African-American pianist. Honestly, that sentence long summary did not do the movie justice.

Let's jump right into the positives. First off, this movie brought a very interesting story to the screen. It covered some very hard topics with the adversity that Mahershala Ali's character faced in the south. The heavy topics even continued with Viggo Mortensen's character in learning how to live a more civilized life, without prejudice or violence.

I think that these characters were written perfectly for their powerful arcs. Their stories were elevated beyond any expectations because of the masterful performances of the leads. For years, I have been championing Mahershala Ali for his outstanding talent, and this film proves it yet again. I was delighted to find that Viggo Mortensen was a perfect match. Their characters played off each other so well as they grew to better understand each other. As a very character based movie, I was floored by the way that they kept me constantly entertained.

My only issue with this film was very minor. At a few points, the pace of the film seemed to slow down unnecessarily. However, I really cannot emphasize enough that this is the only problem that I had with the movie.

I REALLY enjoyed Green Book and I think it has great chances at the Oscars this year. This has been a shorter review because my feelings on this film are simple. If you have not seen the movie yet, WATCH IT!

Overall, I give Green Book an 8.9/10

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