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Review: Camino

Yet another East Texas Indie, I just got the chance to watch Camino!

So let's jump into it. Camino is a dark comedy that follows two young men looking for booze, but instead find two human kidneys. Crazy, right??

My initial thoughts about this one are that it was VERY funny and an absolutely fun watch. It had plenty of laughs that kept a constant smile on my face. The banter of the characters matched with a pretty crazy scenario to create a very special little film.

One of my favorite parts of the movie was Jack's character. He had me laughing constantly and pushed the movie to succeed as a comedy.

The antagonists were also very solid features. They had several great interactions and their antics were hilarious.

Unfortunately, I still have a few issues with the movie. For one thing, I did not feel attached to Mark's character until later in the film. A little bit more early development could have changed this and made him far more interesting through the first half.

My other big problem is that there were several scenes that felt a little drawn out. While it is not a long movie, a couple of these made it feel a lot longer.

However, the movie is a comedy so it all really boils down to one question: Is it funny?

YES! I had a great time watching the movie. It may not be for everyone, but I found a lot of fun in this watch.

Overall, I give Camino a 6.8/10

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