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Review: The Commuter

Let's just clear this up right out of the gate;

Liam Neeson could be 98 years old and I would still go see him in an action movie. He brings such an intensity that he could make grocery shopping interesting. So yes, he does of course bring that intensity to 'The Commuter'.

It circles around the Michael Woolrich, an ex-cop making his daily trip on the commuter train. A mysterious woman offers him a whole ton of money to find somebody on the train. This of course sets in motion the super cheesy action that follows his hunt and inevitable unmasking of the people behind this task. Sounds pretty similar to another movie right? Kind of like that other one starring Liam Neeson and directed by Jaume-Collet Serra? Non-Stop was a very entertaining film and they clearly attempted to recapture that fun... but on a train this time.

Did it work though?

Well, yes and no. The story was very basic and relatively predictable. There were plenty of cheesy lines that just felt awkward and out of place. However, I was still very entertained! The action looked great and as I mentioned above, Liam Neeson could make even the most boring scenes interesting. He brought great intensity and I was happy to be rooting for his character. Sadly, I did not enjoy it as much as 'Non-Stop' but it certainly functioned as a fun action movie.

So to sum it up,

I would suggest this movie. If you are looking for an intelligent and thought provoking story, definitely go see 'The Post' instead, but if you want an opportunity to turn your brain off for an hour and 45 minutes, then 'The Commuter' is the movie for you.

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